What is Gentle Release Therapy?

Gentle Release Therapy is a bespoke and intuitive treatment experience, combining a variety of gentle yet powerful techniques. Using the same theoretical concepts from Traditional Chinese Medicine I apply energy techniques to encourage the body and mind to gently release stored emotions and let go of the patterns and stories it’s been holding on to.

Our time together can also be adapted through the integration of other energy techniques for specific areas when needed. This can include cranial release, and lymphatic and endocrine reflex points used in reflexology.

Each of the energy techniques are applied with the lightest touch, working in synergy to allow physical and emotional blocks to melt away.

What can you expect from your gentle release therapy ritual?

Once you have completed your online discovery consultation, we will then discuss at your first visit anything specific you would like to focus on. This can range from any physical conditions to underlying emotions that may have been suppressed that are now surfacing and contributing to physical symptoms and feelings of dis-ease.

It is best to wear comfortable clothing as you will remain fully clothed (removing shoes and any coats) for the treatment. Laying comfortably on your back you will have the support of pillows and bolsters. Fresh blankets are used if you are feeling cold and add to the coziness and comfort of your treatment.

The session will usually last anywhere between 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on the time you have booked with me and if it’s your first session or a follow up ritual.


Understanding the techniques used:

Energy Work ~ our organs have an affinity with different emotions and play a vital role in our emotional and psychological well-being. By tapping into organ consciousness, we can unlock the wisdom of our bodies and harness the true potential of our being. The abdominal organs are gently treated with hands on energy work to encourage a gentle release of physical and emotional tensions that may be held here, while intuitively tapping in to your own body’s innate power, harmonising your ability to heal.

The cranial release work is very gentle, applying no more pressure than a gentle touch, giving the body permission and the space to release and encourage the cerebrospinal fluid to flow correctly. The cranial system holds a lot of emotional tension that is just waiting to be released. An intention and visualisation method can also be extended to the spine helping to further release the sacrum and pelvis.

Your treatment time can be further customised (time permitting) with the following therapies;

The endocrine release technique applies reflex points from reflexology to help restore balance to this collection of glands. The endocrine system is responsible for producing hormones that regulate the metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, reproduction, sleep and mood. By working on these reflex points you may see an improvement with your sleep, reduce the craving of sugary foods and generally feeling better emotionally.

Reflex points and acupressure points of the feet relating to the lymphatic system can also be combined to contribute to the functioning of the lymphatic system.

There is an emphasis on the word gentle as it is a non intrusive therapy.

What should I expect to feel during a session?

While most people feel the effects of gentle release within the session, others may feel the impacts after their session. Common feelings include tingling, warmth, a feeling of energy uncoiling/unwinding, and a sense of deep relaxation. You may even fall asleep or flow to a subconscious level as you become so relaxed and wake up from your session with a new sense of awareness, clarity, and/or connection.

Each person is very different in how they feel and experience the energy work and techniques used. This practice will also continue to shift and change and feel slightly different every time, similar to a meditation. Trust that your experience is exactly what it needs to be on that day.

It’s about holding space, being present, deep passive listening, allowing what is, trusting and supporting the wisdom of the body, so that stagnant energies (like suppressed emotions) have the space to flow and transform.

Remote treatments

A remote treatment can be held over zoom where you can create a calming space in the comfort of your own surroundings to energetically receive the treatment. I have myself received the treatment over zoom as part of my training and it was such a special, heart-led experience.

Everything is energy, we are energy, intention is energy

The amazing thing about energy healing is that it can be carried out over distance, we can be on opposite sides of the world and it works just the same as if we were in the same room.

Energy isn't contained, distance isn't relevant, there is no separation, we are all connected.

Even though gentle techniques and intentions are used, combined, they can have a powerful effect on the mind, body and soul. Encouraging the body to release any stored emotions that may be reflected in any physical symptoms you may currently be experiencing.

Gentle Release Therapy encourages self care through wellbeing and relaxation, allowing you the space to reconnect and regulate your nervous system.

As an Advanced Gentle Release practitioner, I will be able to deliver an intuitive and bespoke treatment at each of your sessions allowing the body, mind and soul to begin the journey of letting go of the pattern and stories it's been holding onto….sometimes for a lifetime.


Skin health & Dermaviduals