Skin health & Dermaviduals

As a corneotherapist and someone who has personally experienced skin imbalances and challenges throughout their life, one of my soul purposes is to share my knowledge and educate you about your skin, guiding you with information and what it means to take care of yourself from within, while addressing the root cause of your skincare concerns.

Searching for that miracle product….that doesn’t exist

How many times have you searched the internet to find out “what is the best cleanser for sensitive skin?” or “what is the best product for acne breakouts?” Have you spent endless hours scrolling through social media with the hope of finding that miracle product that promises the world!? With a bathroom cabinet full of skincare but still no closer to having your skin concerns addressed, it might be time to consult with a skin specialist and that’s where I can help.

An overview of Corneotherapy

Corneotherapy treatment is centred on recovery of the stratum corneum. The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the epidermis (the surface of your skin) and marks the final stage of skin cell maturation and development.

Once seen as a layer of ‘dead’ cells whose sole function was to provide an impermeable barrier, research has confirmed this layer of the skin is still ‘alive’ and plays an important role in your skin health.

It has been proven that if we can repair any damage to these surface cells, it will create the perfect environment for the underlying layers of the skin to operate functionally. Resulting in a healthy rejuvenated skin.

When the skin’s barrier is disrupted, it is no longer protected from environmental stressors and pollution and loses its ability to protect and defend itself. If perfumes, emulsifiers, preservatives and mineral oils are added to skin care products, the skin can quickly become further compromised.

So, preventative corneotherapy is aimed at supporting the maintenance of healthy skin and the prevention of skin conditions and disease.

Corneotherapy approaches skin care differently.

Dermaviduals cares for your skin

Central to the dermaviduals philosophy is corneotherapy – the science of maintaining and restoring healthy skin.

This unique approach treats the skin as a living organ, utilising products that mimic skin structure and function, while ensuring skin preservation and overall health.

They are free from fragrances, conventional emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, silicones, amines, mineral oils and colours.

Ground-breaking technology provides a unique delivery system providing a skin-mimicking concept that is customisable using a derma membrane structure and active concentrates.

Their collection of products can be specifically custom blended with active ingredients. Once a detailed discovery consultation and skin analysis has been completed by me ~ your skin specialist I am able to blend products based on how you are experiencing your skin condition. Pretty impressive right!?

Intrigued to find out more? Read on…

Not all skincare is equal

At The Skin + Wellness Room I believe no two skins are identical. We are all unique, so why shouldn’t your skincare reflect this?

What might work for one person may not work for the next. It’s important to acknowledge that people experience skin conditions differently, and why when treating specific skin conditions, an off the shelf product may not provide the most customised or effective long term solution.

As a practicing corneotherapist, I have expanded upon the foundations of my holistic knowledge regarding the skin. I can confidently create and adapt products that will nurture, repair, restore and respect your skin.

Our skin is a responsive organ. It responds to the other systems in our bodies as well as external factors and it will reflect what is going on below the surface.

There is so much choice out there with regards to skincare products and “solutions”. I know it can be overwhelming to know where to begin.

I have discovered that a minimal, curated skincare routine tailored to your skin concern is the most efficient way to topically care for your skin. You really don’t need to follow a 10 step skincare routine, all this does is overload your sensory organ and potentially compromise it’s integrity.

In my opinion bespoke skincare is the way forward. When this is combined with the knowledge and benefits of facial massage, you really begin to see and feel (the magic) the desired results.

Perfect skin vs Healthy skin

We are constantly being conditioned to strive for the pore-less, line-less, flawless complexion which truly doesn’t exist. Beauty begins when we are comfortable in our own skin. Uneven skin tone, skin texture, blemishes, lines and wrinkles need to be normalised. As I said before our skin will respond to internal and external factors. It doesn’t stay the same. It evolves, changes and responds to the way we process stress, hormonal fluctuations, diet, lifestyle choices, medication, the weather and other environmental stressors. This means that the concept of adapting your skincare over time to reflect your skin and seasonal changes can positively benefit the overall health of the skin.

Our skin today is different to how it was yesterday and it will be different again tomorrow.

Striving for that “perfect skin” can be emotionally draining and can make you experience low vibrational energies. When the skin breaks out, starts to itch or becomes red and sore, it’s an indication for you to listen to these messages that the body is sending you. Maybe delve a little deeper under the surface and bring awareness to when these skin changes occur. Become more mindful to the triggers and your thought patterns that may be behind some of your skin challenges.

My Skin Philosophy

My approach when working with you and your skin is to look beyond the surface and to understand why your skin is doing what it’s doing while exploring what parts need to be supported. Instead of using harsh and abrasive peels, microdermabrasion or derma-planing, all which can over exfoliate and cause further damage, I take a gentle yet results driven approach to addressing your skin concerns.

This is why I have chosen to align my skincare choices and facial offerings with Dermaviduals - bespoke skincare ~ free from emulsifiers, preservatives, mineral oils and fragrances, this provides the skin with the foundations of what it truly responds to.

I wanted to provide customisable skin solutions that could be adapted to the individual needs of my clients, bringing harmony to any physical symptoms that were visible.

Working with skin for over 20 years, I have observed many different skin conditions and approaches to treating them. Many of these skin conditions will usually have an underlying inflammatory response which can cause a compromised skin barrier.

Dermaviduals provides an approach whereby the skin specialist/corneotherapist can work synergistically with the skin and ingredients to create skincare that is aimed at respecting your skin barrier and subsequently the health and harmony of the skin. Thus maintaining a healthy, resilient skin barrier which will prevent and reduce inflammation and irritation.

Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency, Xerosis, Itchyosis, Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea, and Acne can be effectively treated with the principles of Corneotherapy and Dermaviduals.

The Dermaviduals Difference

Dermaviduals is unlike any other formulation of skincare you have used before. It does not contain emulsifiers or preservatives. Instead the cream based formulas have a special bilayer structure which integrate directly with your skin lipids.

  • the classic range

The DMS Derma Membrane Structure is the key component of the classic range of cleansers and moisturisers. DMS creams are chemically and physically similar to the membrane structure of the skin’s natural barrier due to the ingredients; ceramides and phosphatidylcholine. Free from emulsifiers as they disturb the integrity of the epidermis. They are also free from any fragrance which is a common irritant for the skin.

  • bespoke skincare and actives

With over 34 Active ingredients to choose from, you can be sure that I can help target your skin needs. The unique nano particle and liposome technology enhances the delivery system of the actives into the skin. They can be blended into your products or used neat on the skin to target skin concerns. This skincare can only be prescribed under the guidance of myself, your skin specialist.

Did you know… Dermaviduals is only sold in practices by Skincare Professionals. You will not find them for sale online nor in the mainstream skincare market. It can only be purchased once you have had a detailed discovery consultation and skin analysis.

Holistic Facial Rituals with Dermaviduals

My treatment offerings are not the standardised facials you may have experienced before. The essence of my facials are ritualistic, meaning I include specific elements in my facials that reflect working the physical and energetic movement of the mind, body and soul as a whole.

I work intuitively with massage and energy work, responding to what I feel you need. I combine this with the information discussed in your discovery consultation.

My knowledge of skin physiology and how the skin is intrinsically connected to our thoughts and emotions, inspired me to create my holistic facial rituals. I consider the internal and external influences that can affect the skin and our nervous systems.

I know first hand just how big an impact the skin can have regarding mental well-being, confidence and how we perceive ourselves.

Every facial ritual will be a reflection of how you are feeling that day and where you would like to see harmony restored to the skin. If you decide to return for another holistic facial ritual, I will always do a well-being check-in to discuss any changes to your skin and to see how you are both physically and emotionally. As these factors change, so will your skin and its needs.

Final note

Although the products I have chosen to work with are an important part of my facial rituals, the most important customisable approach is the hands on techniques I choose to use.

Facial massage techniques and the power of touch will considerably reduce the amount of tension felt in your muscles, respect lymphatic flow, work on fascia all while while stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system, assisting in the reset of your internal stress response resulting in a healthier you.


The Skin + Wellness Philosophy


What is Gentle Release Therapy?