The Reiki Ritual

"From the moment my session began, I felt supported, nourished and held. I completely surrendered into the most beautiful and insightful reiki I have ever experienced. My busy thoughts slowly cleared and I felt lifted, almost as if I were floating. I could feel into the sensations of my body. I left feeling lighter and with a sense of clarity."

Kind words and reflections after receiving The Reiki Ritual

What is reiki?

Reiki is a healing art and spiritual practice founded in Japan by Mikao Usui. It is known as 'the art of inviting happiness' and 'the spiritual medicine of all dis-ease'.

Reiki is a complementary therapy that involves encouraging a healthy flow of energy in the body to lower stress and promote healing.

Rei means "spirit" or "soul" and Ki means "the energy of the universe".

This holistic modality works on the foundations of ki (universal energy) being shared to harmonise the energy field that surrounds you. Reiki is often described as heaven ki and earth ki coming together in our hearts, unifying our mind, body and spirit. It creates space for embodying oneness, compassion and kindness.

Reiki works for the greatest highest good by working with light and pure intentions. It dissipates old/stagnant energy, shifting energy that no longer serves you, enabling your life force energy to rise and bring a harmony to your mind, body & soul.

When you connect to Reiki, you are aligning with the infinite and intuitive flow of energy.

Ki (universal energy) supports the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual parts of our being, guiding the energy to vibrate in a harmonious flow, creating balance and alignment. If we become disconnected to these energies, or are not in true alignment, we may experience dis-ease, symptoms and illness.

Reiki can help to release tension while encouraging feelings of peacefulness and relaxation.

Reiki can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, lowering cortisol levels, reducing the experience of neurophysiological stress or perceived stress.

The science and informed studies

Science tells us that all matter is made of atoms, each with a nucleus that is filled with energy. Therefore, everything is energy and everything is connected.

Even our thoughts, feelings, habits, actions, environment, lifestyle, relationships all vibrate at an energetic level.

Studies have found that Reiki can have measurable benefits when it comes to lowering blood pressure, improving sleep, lessening anxiety, and reducing pain.

A past study found that college students who received six 30-minute Reiki sessions reported greater improvements in stress, mood, and sleep (especially those with higher anxiety and depression) than the control group.

The Reiki Ritual @ The Skin + Wellness Room

You are already a divine being who has the innate wisdom to heal yourself. I am present within your ritual to hold space, guide and support you in doing so.

Together we honour your connection and integration of the universal energy.

The Reiki Ritual has been lovingly created, and draws on my own experiences of healing methods and techniques I have encountered and studied.

As a Reiki practitioners I use my intuition to guide my hands with intention, utilising the power of breathing to direct the energy to you. I will also use symbols, sounds, and crystals to enhance your ritual.

We come together initially to have a wellbeing check-in. Here we can explore anything that has come up for you recently while answering any questions you may have before we begin.

I invite you to have an open heart, to arrive in the space with love and compassion for yourself, knowing that this time you have dedicated is for you and your personal and spiritual growth.

I find setting a gentle intention to be present in your reiki ritual can create mindfulness, while bringing you into a meditative state which will guide and illuminate all your senses.

As we begin your ritual, I will gently bring your awareness to the moment through some guided visualisation/meditation adding in some breathing techniques to help connect you to the universal energy.

As you openly receive Reiki, you may feel unique sensations in parts of your body. You may see colours, shapes, visions, even words may come to mind.

I also work with your own energy centres in the body. Known as chakras, these spinning wheels of energy vibrate at frequencies and are connected to your aura.

Each experience of Reiki will be different, as our time together will meet and reflect your energies within that space held for you within that moment.

Reiki can help to ~

  • generate positive change in all aspects of life

  • improve mood and emotional wellbeing

  • connect you to your inner wisdom

  • enhance awareness around your reactions and thought patterns that may hold you back

  • support your wellbeing and health so you feel more centred, renewed and resilient

  • deepen your intuition

  • balance your energy centres/chakras

  • encourage self love and compassion

  • relieve stress and anxiety while increasing mental vitality and clarity

Each time you receive Reiki you will journey deeper and discover what Reiki will mean to you.

Practicing Reiki is an empowering modality of self care. By connecting to the universal energy and following your intuitive senses, the inner wisdom held within you can guide you to be your own healer.

Book your Reiki Ritual Today 🤍✨


Mackay N, Hansen S, McFarlane O. Autonomic nervous system changes during Reiki treatment: a preliminary study. J Altern Complement Med. 2004 Dec;10(6):1077-81. doi: 10.1089/acm.2004.10.1077. PMID: 15674004.

Miles P. and True G., Reiki—review of a biofield therapy history, theory, practice, and research, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. (2003) 9, no. 2, 62–72, 2-s2.0-0037336336.

Shore A. G., Long-term effects of energetic healing on symptoms of psychological depression and self-perceived stress, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. (2004) 10, no. 3, 42–48, 2-s2.0-2442423304.


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