The Skin + Wellness Philosophy

The Skin + Wellness rituals have been created from a desire to raise beauty and wellbeing consciousness, to a place where the natural aspiration to feel in harmony with our bodies and soul is one that I invite everyone to experience. Equally, they focus on the importance of rest and the (re)connection with our inner systems to encourage restoration and relaxation.

My Offerings are holistic in nature, with an awareness placed on unearthing the root cause of an imbalance, whilst also providing support with nourishment and care to the body and skin.

My desire is to empower you to remember your innate wisdom and radiance through all stages of life, to provide a reflective space to embody self care rituals with mindfulness and peace.

When you visit The Skin + Wellness Room you can trust that each of my offerings will be deeply rooted in each of these values…

1 Experience

Intuitively trained hands to nurture, nourish and restore your entire being. From head to toe, body to soul into the depths of your heart.

My knowledge and wisdom has unfolded over a wonderful and insightful 20 years. I have gained a wealth of experience working closely with the intricacy of the skin and skin conditions, while understanding the physiology and anatomy of the skin, face and body. My rituals are inspired and hold the essence of the different modalities I have trained with including Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Energy Medicine and Root Cause Philosophy.

Continued professional development is integral to my own personal ongoing education. Enhancing and building upon my knowledge and skills, as well as having fun exploring these new modalities is always at the forefront of my vocation.

Above is my professional experience, but I also have personal experiences when it comes to stress and anxiety. I have also experienced acne through different phases of my life and other skin and health conditions which enables me to approach each person with compassion.

2 Holistic Approach

The holistic approach is weaved through all of my ritual offerings to encourage self expansion and a connection to self.

Exploring and considering all parts of you create the ritual experience which meets you where you are in the present moment. A holistic approach means to provide support that looks at the whole; supporting and considering your physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing.

My Discovery Consultation is an in-depth view of you, your health and your wellbeing that provides me with the foundations on which your ritual is based. When you arrive for your ritual we begin with a wellbeing check in so we can accommodate and discuss the techniques that will be thoughtfully chosen just for you.

No two rituals are ever the same. 

My ritual offerings encourage you to view your skin concerns or health conditions through a holistic lens.

3 Compassion & Curiosity

Compassion both toward the self and toward others, is an emotional response believed by many to be an essential aspect of well-being.

Its development may often have the benefit of improved mental and emotional health.

Compassion focused guided meditations can be used through my rituals to encourage the regulation of the nervous system and to help self soothe. 

Curiosity supports the holistic approach through gentle inquiry and is rooted in my ongoing training as a Root Cause Practitioner. When symptoms arise they can be viewed as the subtle language of the body trying to communicate with you. Have you ever wondered the root cause of a symptom and where this would have originated from? We can explore this together as an extended ritual so always reach out if this is something you would be interested in. 

4 Connection

Touch is a basic human need. It was never meant to be a luxury.

Connection through touch validates life, giving hope, warmth and nourishment.

At the heart of all my rituals is touch therapy. This connection encourages our brains to produce more serotonin. It makes us feel relaxed and happy, and generally contributes to an enhanced sense of wellbeing. We often think about communication in terms of verbal or facial expression, but touch is essential, too.

The stress hormone cortisol suppresses the immune system, which makes us much more susceptible to illness. Touch, on the other hand, increases the production of immunoglobulin A. This helps to expand the number of white cells in the blood and boost the immune system.

So whether you decide to experience a holistic facial, reflexology or a fusion of rituals you can be assured that the power of touch will always play an integral part.

I aspire to enrich all my ritual offerings to create an experience that leaves a meaningful impression on your heart and soul.

5 Intention & Intuition

I am an intuitive energy practitioner, passionate about health & energy medicine. I’m here to guide & inspire you to live your most authentic & aligned life. 

Energy isn’t contained, distance is not relevant, there is no separation, we are all connected. Before we physically meet, our energy meets first. I am always intuitively guided within the ritual as to how it unfolds for you on the day.

Each ritual is delivered to you with intention, I completely focus on you. Tuning into your energies and what you need at that time.

When you set an intention, the energy will flow there and always for the highest good.

6 Creativity

Being creative helps us understand ourselves and the world. It’s a natural part of human expression that we should all value and cultivate.

My rituals give me the flexibility to bring creativity with each approach I take when working with you and your skin or health condition/symptoms. By looking beyond the surface, to discover why your skin or body is responding the way it is, while exploring the parts of you that need to be supported.

One of the essential components of creativity is inspiration. I find inspiration everyday through many different sources, but especially through continued learning. Whether this be through reading, taking new courses or courses that can build upon my knowledge, as well as connecting with like minded souls these are the things that really inspire me.

I enjoy exploring and weaving different modalities and techniques throughout your ritual so I can really create something magical, unique and special just for you.

Cultivating creativity is important when considering my rituals as it allows space for adaptability to create memorable and heart felt experience.

Thank you for taking the time to find out more about the philosophy and the values that create the essence of the rituals here at The Skin + Wellness Room.

Love + Light



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